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Showing posts from November, 2019

Tesla claimed its pickup truck was ‘bulletproof’ — then smashed its windows with a metal ball

... (several lines of code) ... Tesla claimed its pickup truck was ‘bulletproof’ — then smashed its windows with a metal ball Tesla  unveiled its  futuristic pickup truck  at a promotional event in Los Angeles, but when it came to showing off the vehicle’s durability, things didn’t quite go as planned. CEO  Elon Musk  claimed the car was “bulletproof” against a 9mm handgun. But when he got Tesla’s chief designer to throw a metal ball at one of its armored windows, audible surprise could be heard as the glass smashed — twice. “Oh my f------ God,” Musk exclaimed when it first happened. “Well, maybe that was a little too hard.” Design lead Franz Von Holzhausen gave it another shot, this time with another window. Again, the ball cracked the glass pretty badly. This was after the executive had already taken a sledgehammer to th...