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Training Your Mind To Be Positive

There's a big difference between the "doers" and "thinkers" of the world. Which one would you rather be?

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When we talk about positivity, a lot of  times that concept can be quickly written off as “pseudoscience” or “high-minded conversation.” However, while some skepticism of the powers of positive thinking may be valid, positive thinking is no snake oil cure, but rather a genuine approach to mental health.

It’s been said plenty of times that a positive body and mind will create a positive spirit, but how do we measure that? After all, people are different, and their approaches to obtaining positivity can vary. However, there are some commonalities in how to develop this mental state that are true across the board.

Listen to your body (and your mind).

This tip  is one of the easiest and quickest ways for you to start forming a more positive mindset. All that's required is for you to stop listening to others and listen more to yourself. For example, many people like to talk about how successful people wake up early, but that’s not always the case. Instead, the most successful individuals follow one simple trick -- they do what’s best for themselves.
If you’re someone who gets his or her best work done at night, then do it at night. If you feel like exercising before work, then do that, too. Hey, if you like to blast heavy metal music throughout your office to help you concentrate, then that’s perfectly fine, as well (assuming your co-workers agree).
Whatever the case may be, find what works best for you and capitalize on it for the most success. Doing this will make you feel less guilty about following the norm, and will also give you a sense of flexibility and freedom regarding how you can be your most productive. And, as we already know, productivity is one of the most vital aspects of positivity.

Practice patience

As the old cliche goes, patience is a virtue . .  . one obtained through years of practice. However, there are a few things you can do off the bat to help build a sense of patience that will increase your positivity tenfold.
One of the first things to do is to try to keep a relatively calm head. While this may sound easy enough, you may be surprised to realize how much we all care about trivial matters. So, instead, practice the advice you've always heard, like utilizing your support system, focusing on your breathing and appreciating what you have. Another good way to put things in perspective is to ask, “Will the world keep turning even if I don’t do X”?
Still another significant aspect to patience is the need to retain a sense of focus. This runs parallel to the productivity tips listed above, except that patience demands a better sense of what it takes for you to buckle down and get to work.
Whatever that might require is up to you, but you’ll be shocked at how much time you’ll save by honing in on what makes your time more efficient. Doing that will increase your positive outlook on what you can accomplish, as well as what you’ve already done.

Cover your bases.

This might seem obvious to say, but so many people overlook the simplicity of how addressing practical matters leads to a more positive lifestyle. Honestly, these are the things you’ve been told since you were a kid, such as getting enough sleep, eating right, being active and putting yourself into a good living situation.
Again, this might seem like one of those “well . . . duh” moments, but I’ve seen too many people wonder why they weren’t able to accomplish their goals when, in fact, they were running on empty.

Dream big; act bigger.

One of the final pieces of advice is that while positive thinking on a daily basis is critical, it's important to make sure your head isn’t too far up in the clouds. Dreaming about your future can be one of the greatest motivators you have, but it can also keep you in a state of “what if’s” if you're not careful. There has to be an action or attainable object within reach, within a reasonable time frame. At the same time, know that the reward you’ll face by actually going after what makes you happy is priceless.

Even if you’ve heard it a hundred times before, there’s a big difference between the "doers" and "thinkers" of the world. Which one would you rather be?


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