There's a big difference between the "doers" and "thinkers" of the world. Which one would you rather be? When we talk about positivity, a lot of times that concept can be quickly written off as “pseudoscience” or “high-minded conversation.” However, while some skepticism of the powers of positive thinking may be valid, positive thinking is no snake oil cure, but rather a genuine approach to mental health. It’s been said plenty of times that a positive body and mind will create a positive spirit, but how do we measure that? After all, people are different, and their approaches to obtaining positivity can vary. However, there are some commonalities in how to develop this mental state that are true across the board. Listen to your body (and your mind). This tip is one of the easiest and quickest ways for you to start forming a more positive mindset. All that's required is for you to stop listening to others and listen more to yourself. Fo...